Specifications Update

Version 2.01.14 was released in June 2013 and included an update to the Supplement to Part 3, NN bytes.

Version 2.01.13 was released in December 2013 and included minor editorial updates.

The PC/SC Spectification Version 2.01.12 was released in November 2012 and included an update to the Amendment to Part 10 with minor revisions to OutBuffer Structure Table results. Part 10 includes an updated list of tags for FEATURE_GET_TLV_PROPERTIES. Part 10 Supplement was added which deals with IFDs with Feature Capabilities.

Version 2.01.11 includes a minor revision to Part 3 Amendment’s OutBuffer Structure Table results. This version was released in June 2012.

The PC/SC Specification Version 2.01.10 includes a a revision to Part 3 Supplement document to include an exteded table for identification of low-frequency cards. There is also an added Amendment to Part 3 to include clarification of key type identifier for picopass keys; definition and use of increment and decrement data objects; and definition of a vendor specific,generic command. We have also included an Amendment to Part 10 to add PACE (password authenticated connection establishment) which deals with PIN verification for contactless smart cards.

Version 2.01.9 was realeased in April 2010. It incorporated changes to Part 10 to add TVL properties feature, bMinPINSize and bMaxPINSize tags, and sFirmwareID tag. Also added was a FEATURE_CCID_ESC_COMMAND as well as Class 1 drivers to GET_FEATURE_REQUEST. New features were added to all feature information.
This version also includes an additional Part 3 Supplement document for Contactless ICCs and an Addendum listing ISO references.

Version 2.01.7 was released in July 2009. It incorporated a revised Part 3 Supplement which adds i-Code SL2.

Version 2.01.6 was released in May 2009. It incorporated changes to Part 10 to remove wLcdMaxCharacters and wLcdMaxLines fields from PIN_PROPERTIES to maintain backward compatibility.

The current release, Version 2.01.5 was released in December 2008. Revisions were made to Part 10 including revisions to ‘C’ structures to tables and removing structure packing notes. A warning was added with regards to use of GET_KEY_PRESSED and WRITE_DISPLAY. Also, the #define feature was removed.

Version 2.01.4 was released in July of 2007. Both Part 3 and Part 3 supplement were slightly revised. Part 3, sec. added ATR ISO 14443B. Part 3 supplement added LR 164 to section

The PC/SC Specifications 2.01.3 Final Draft was released in January 2006. This release included revisions to Part 3, Part 3 Supplement and Part 10.

The PC/SC Specifications version 2.01.2 was released in August 2005 and revised Part 2, Section 3.1.1 Operating Voltage Condition, and Section 3.2 ISO/IEC 7816-10 Compatible Card and IFD; Part 3 to add specifications for identification of contactless cards and now includes information on the RID number (in a supplemental document); Part 10 has been added to address IFD’s with secure pin entry capabilities. A minor edit was made on Sept. 12 to correct PIN structure information in Part 10, and an additional edit on September 29 to update the company name “Schlumberger” with “Axalto”.

We are always striving to perfect the Specifications. Any comments received will be reviewed and possibly incorporated in future releases.

Please direct comments to: admin@pcscworkgroup.com